Why i chose Print?
I have chosen print for my final task as i believe it will allow me to be more creative and experimental with my ideas. This task also gives me the opportunity to work independently and not have rely on other people.
I read lots of magazines so i am familiar with the layout, codes and conventions that work well and are appealing for an audience. I wanted to do this task as i am inspired by the magazines on the market and would love to learn how to create a magazine that would target a particular audience and fit a missing gap in the market.
I have a great interest in music and listen to wide range of music genres. Having the chance to research into the industry from a media view, rather than a performance angle, is something i look forward to and would love to knowledge myself more about.
Photoshop is where i will be creating my magazine and this is a new program to me. I wanted to choose the print task so i could continuing developing my skills on this program from the preliminary and have fun editing pictures, fonts and articles.
I began by collecting research of:
- what music magazines there are
on the market
- what genre/s they target
- and the different things they contain
- targets punk rock music
- contains the guide to the latest music gigs
- newest track and albums
- news and gossip on artists and bands
- have their own NME award
* Q
- new release music, music compilations and reissues
- film, live concert, radio and tv reviews
- has their own Q radio station
* Rolling Stones
- pop music
- music, politics and popular culture
* Clash
- covers all genres
- music, fashion, film and lifestyle- reviews and rating
- interviews from legends and future hero's
* Billboard
- covers most genres of music; hip hop, country, pop, rock and R&B
-covers the music business;CD,DVD,Video and internet downloads.
- intended mainly for music professionals; record labels and DJ's
* Vibe
- Genre of music targeted is hip hop and R&B
- predominately young, urban followers of hip hop culture and life
I then went on to brainstorm some of these ideas, with some of my own thoughts of what a music magazine could contain. This helped me to create and find new ideas that are not already on the market; therefore helping me reach a unique selling point for my magazine.
I created four headings that related to the music industry and how the media advertises music; through download sites and the

From this research i have concluded that i want to create a magazine that advertises new artists or bands. This is similar to the talent shows around at the moment that help find new singers, but it will be available now in a magazine! Not only will this mean i will be targeting a younger audience, opening them to theses new artists, i will be targeting record labels, to help them find new material and talent. This will link in with the music venues that are available, as i could talk about latest places you can see the new artists playing. This will be my magazines unique selling point (USP) as i have not found a magazine on the market that targets new, upcoming, talented artists/bands.
I also have thought about including reviews of latest songs and information on latest festivals and gigs. I think this is a key part of a music magazine and was a commonly found to be included in all the magazines i have researched. I think especially if i am targeting a young audience they would want to be in the know about the latest chart songs and events.
From my research i have seen how other music magazines included tv and radio reviews. I believe i could also incorporate this into my magazine by talking about latest talent shows on tv; including their gossip and channel showing times. I could include the radio by having a debate of what is the best or most popular radio station to listen to? This would help keep my audience interested in buying each issue, as they would want to keep up-to-date with the popular tv shows news and debates about the different radio stations.
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